Xander Harris

Xander Harris

Nicholas Brendan

Nicholas Brendon was born on April 12, 1971 . he has Two younger brothers, 13 and 15, and Kelly,his twin brother. he lives in Los Angeles he met his girlfriend n Wendy, at a softball game. She was pitcher,he was shortstop. the music he likes Jazz, blues, classical, modern stuff, and country. Neil Diamond and Barry Manilow are just some of the musicians he likes. While filming The Pack, a episode from Buffy's first season, Alyson Hannigan pulled down his pants and boxers in front of about 40 extras.

Xander Harris

In BTVS Brendon plays Xander who kinda of is the witty, joker of the group. He tries to help with the slaying but usaully he ends up getting hurt and isnt very useful. But one time he stopped a bunch of dead guys from blowing up the school. His girlfriend was Cordelia but they broke up after she saw him and Willow kissing. he went to the prom with a 104 year old witch who has lost her powers.